
January 16, 2017. 

VSSA sent the letter below to ASMFC regarding flounder.  Please send a similar letter or email expressing your support for Option 1 which keeps our regulations for the same for 2017 with no cuts. 

From the ASMFC page.  http://asmfc.org/files/PublicInput/SummerFlounderDraftAddendumXXVIII_PublicComment_Dec2016_Revised.pdf

The public is encouraged to submit comments regarding this document at any time during the  public comment period. The final date comments will be accepted is January 19, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.  Comments may be submitted at state public hearings or by mail, email, or fax. If you have any questions or would like to submit comment, please use the contact information below.     Mail:  Kirby Rootes‐Murdy, Senior FMP Coordinator  Email:  krootes‐[email protected]     Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission   (Subject: Draft Addendum XXVIII)     1050 North Highland Street, Suite 200A‐N   Phone: (703) 842‐0740      Arlington, VA 22201             Fax:   (703) 842‐0741 

Flounder VSSA 16 Jan 17


January 2, 2017.

Our northern neighbors have overfished flounder and ASMFC is calling for a 30% reduction for both recreational and commercial landings for 2017.  Virginia has not overfished flounder and VSSA believes that Virginia should not be required to participate in taking any part of this 30% cut for flounder.   There is a public hearing at the VMRC building at 6 pm, January 12, 2017 at 6 pm. 


To discuss the draft addendum on how ASMFC should implement this 30% cut. 


We believe strongly that we in Virginia should not be required to take cuts.  Those states that are overfishing should be the states that are required to take the cuts (not Virginia).  We have until January 19, 2017 to submit comments.  VSSA is working on a letter to send.  Please send us your thoughts and opinions prior to the public hearing on January 12 to [email protected]