Cobia Action Alert.
VMRC has a draft rule to change the cobia regulations for the 2025 season starting June 15 and ending Sept 20 (an extra 5 days). The draft rule changes the size limit from 40 inches to 43 inches with 2 fish per boat. The rule does away with the only 1 of the 2 fish can be over 50 inches. This is a quick yes or no poll asking if you support this change. Anglers can make their own input directly to VMRC by going to this page.

Poll #1 – Speckled Trout.
Many of us have witnessed or seen photos of many dead speckled trout from the recent extreme cold. This fishery is one of Virginia’s most important and favorite among anglers. Would you support a closure of the recreational and commercial trout fishery until after the spring/early summer spawn in order to protect these fish and promote a healthy fishery for future years?

Poll #2 – Sector Separation.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) are seeking input to manage Flounder, Black Seabass, Scup, and Bluefish separately for for-hire recreational fisheries from other recreational fishing modes (referred to as sector separation). There are several different “modes” or “sectors” within the recreational fisheries, referring to the different types of recreational fishing including shore-based fishing, fishing using a private or rented boat, and “for-hire” fishing from either a party boat (also known as a headboat) or charter vessel. This could result in different limits and seasons for charter captains and head boats than from the private recreational angler. More information on this proposal can be found below. Anglers are encouraged to submit your comments directly on the page below.

VSSA Update December 2024
VSSA Membership continues to grow but more is needed. Our voice with regulators and politicians is stronger when we have a large member base. We are the only volunteer organization that consistently advocates for healthy saltwater fisheries in Virginia. As an incentive to join, we now are able to offer discounts through a couple local tackle shops and are working to add others to the list. So far, Oceans East and (enter code: VSSA25) both offer 10% discounts to our members. Just show your member ID card.
This season we participated in the ODU Monarch Cobia classic by offering a VSSA Calcutta of $250 to the angler who brought in the biggest Cobia that is ALSO a VSSA Member! We hope to participate on more tournaments in 2025 to give members more opportunities and encourage more people to join!
Make sure you let your friends know and encourage them to join VSSA Join – Virginia Saltwater Sportfishing Association (still only $25) if they want to make a difference in the quality of our fishing and the health of our bay as well an enjoy discounts at local businesses! (Get them a VSSA membership for Christmas!)
Menhaden Update: The war rages on and both the Audubon Society and the Sierra Club have joined in the battle to protect the bay. VSSA recently sent a letter to all State Delegates and Senators to update them on Menhaden and provide access to the menhaden documentary which is now free on our website at We are asking them to support sensible regulation including a menhaden study bill which will likely come before the General Assembly again in January. We are working with other partners like CBF and TRCP to share our side of the story. If you want to help, contact your state Delegate and Senator and ask them to support the VIMS menhaden study bill. You can also help by signing the TRCP petition at: Demand Better Science for Better Management of Chesapeake Bay Menhaden | Theodore Roosevelt Demand Better Science for Better Management of Chesapeake Bay Menhaden | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
VSSA continues to speak with media outlets and politicians to raise awareness on these matters. Sadly, It is abundantly clear that the Youngkin administration will take no action on menhaden… Perhaps the next
governor will care more about the bay and Virginia’s 320,000 saltwater anglers.
From rockfish and menhaden to red drum and crabs, there’s no shortage of Chesapeake Bay fishery news. VSSA has been busy tracking the sportfishing issues that are important to you. Read on here: News – Virginia Saltwater Sportfishing Association
Best wishes for a happy holiday season…tight lines and plentiful fish in 2025!
To read our December Newsletter please click below: